Server Information
[Server specs]
[General Summary]
[Special features - Quick overview]
[Item changes]
[Job system]
[Unique system]
[Silk system]
[FW system]
- Protected dedicated server.
- Backup server every 1 hour ~ just incase
- Own highspeed download
[General Summary]
- Cap => 140
- Server Degree => 14
- Race => Chinese & Europe
- Exp/SP => 150x
- Party EXP/SP => 160x
- Alchemy => Custom
- Drop Rate => 30x
- Mastery Level => 560/280
- Stall & congisments=> Enabled
- Ghost Hunt Event => Enabled
- Battle Arena => Enabled
- Fgw => ShipWreck & Flame
- Job rates => Custom
- Silk/h => 1
- Movement Speed => 2,2x
- Giant Spawn => 5,5x
- Botting allowed when not AFK
[Special features - Quick overview]
- Automatic Events
- Message System to reset stats/rename etc
- Custom Player Speed
(even when not useing a speed scroll youre faster!) - Increased giant spawn rates
- Webshop
- Academy System Enabled
- Custom unique system
- Special buffs for killing uniques
- Rebirth system
[Item changes]
- Tablets & elements: disabled
- Magicstone & Attributestone drop rates increased
- Advanced elixirs: till +5
- Item stacks: increased for various items
- Max tier sun items are only dropable at lvl 130 uniques & Baghdad Mobs
[Job system]
- Old jobsystem, reworked and changed so being active is rewarded
Reason: Trading helps you a lot more than just botting. (Goldbotting FTL!)
[Unique system]
- Various new uniques added to spawn all over the world
- Nerfed Roc, Medusa and Seth (no petrification)
- Special Buffs for killing Uniques (permanent 7 day buffs)
[Silk system]
- A lot of free silk items and free silk can be obtained from events
- 1 silk/hour is automatically added to chars
- All silk items are tradeable (if you find any which are not, feel free to report this to us)
- More than 80 donation methods!
- Donate Points (Funds) -> Silk rate is 1:1
[FW system]
- FW is saturday 18:00 CEST
- Automatic Hide'n'Seek (Bot hides somewhere and you have to find him) ~Applied and working
- Hide 'n' Destroy (A bunch of uniques is spawned somewhere and you have to find and kill them)
- Unique Event (1-2 hour(s) of extreme unique spawns every day)
- Trivia event (Our global bot will ask questions and the one to answer the most questions first wins) ~Still in work
- Alchemy event (Our global bot will drop special low level items and you need to fuse it to a certain +, 3 rounds every day, 300 Silk for every winner) ~Applied and working
- More events on request
We want to create a community where there is fair competition, without corruption or favoritism. Everything here will be completely different!